1 min readJun 27, 2021

Some time has passed since, I got older

Days became hotter, nights got colder

More wrinkles on face, lesser in brain

Memory faded, has breaks in the chain

Its journey through time can’t be trusted

Untouched, won’t freeze, instead gets rusted

Things that had filled me with pride (in past)

Have they really met their end so fast?

Ivy creeping over each metaphor

Alliterations alter to camphor

Similes weak as goldfish’s attention

Doom is not an exaggeration

And at times I can’t help but ponder

If distance truly makes a heart fonder

Maybe culprits are both distance and time

Let them and they’ll leave nothing benign

But spend some time, make the spiderwebs fall

Better be bad than nothing at all

Reading this don’t lie, and tell me I’m good

Being bad is fine as long as understood

Watering dried plants is harder than planting a new seed

Still, I hope that soon I write something you’ll love to read

Love, Ana




Internet seems to keep a record of everything and yet not care about anything much. I hope that's what I become at the end of my existence.